
Most of general information can be found in our web site.
Make sure that you have searched for relevant information and that you have read through the pages.

Those who want to be newly registered and authorized as a qualified Radiation Worker should read through the page “Registration Procedures” and fully understand the procedures.

Information on the Radiation Course is given in detail in the pages found in “Radiation Course”, and information on the Health Checkup for Radiation Workers in the page “Health Checkup & Questionnaire”.

You can consult the staff in your laboratory who know more and can access more detailed information given in our Japanese pages.

If your question still remains, please ask the Laboratory Radiation Manager in your lab to contact us the Radiation Management Office for the answer for you. Students are advised not to contact us directly.

Contact Address

Radiation Management Office, School of Science

ri-s-group[at] (Please replace [at] with @.)

Please note that our office staff in charge may not be working daily.
You may need to wait for some days for our answer.

東京大学 理学部 放射線管理室

〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷 7-3-1

Radiation Management Office

School of Science, The University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 Japan

Copyright © Radiation Management Office, SoS, UTokyo